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TSQ*now is a non-peer reviewed publication edited by the TSQ editorial collective featuring 
interventions, special dossiers, communiques, interviews and collaborative projects. 

We were climbing up

Samuel Ace

We were

climbing up

for days then we were

climbing down

Sonny walked ahead

on the steep path I felt more sure-footed

with him in the lead I watched as he slowly

picked his way over the slick rocks

I watched as he lost his footing but quickly

caught himself the rocks covered

with a thin coat

of water jewel-like

full of solid


leading us to a waterfall

or a stream

or perhaps a large bed

of water as we made

our way down I began to dream

and saw a young boy

run across a freshly-

mowed field dry to the bone when suddenly Sonny

began to slip it was too steep

he couldn't catch

his balance and I couldn't change

what was happening

as his weight started to buckle into his knees

and he slid from my view

caught in the heavens I could not find

him anywhere

he did not

answer my calls

I was terrified

to keep going

so began to hike

over to the side and into the woods

to pick my way

down to him

through the dark trees

I woke up and could not

see at first

then there

he was

still playing

in the room

his bare feet

buried in the rug

and the breaking news

in all the hours

and all the days

of the week


Samuel Ace is a trans and genderqueer poet and sound artist. He is the author of several books, including Our Weather O­ur Sea (Black Radish Books, 2019) and Meet Me There: Normal Sex & Home in three days. Don’t wash. (Belladonna* Germinal Texts, 2019). He is the recipient of the Astraea Lesbian Writers Fund Award in Poetry and the Firecracker Alternative Book Award, as well as a Lambda Literary Award and National Poetry Series finalist. His work has been widely anthologized and has appeared in or is forthcoming from Poetry, Aufgabe, Fence, The Atlas Review, Black Clock, Mandorla, Versal, The Collagist, Posit, Vinyl, We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics, Troubling the Line: Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics, Best American Experimental Poetry, and many other publications. He has recently relocated to Atlanta where he lives with his spouse and their new baby.


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